Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not Luck

Hey everybody, just wanted to say thanks for everything everyone has done for me the past 24 hours, you all have been wonderful with prayers and visits and hospital trips. (sorry again candy) I just wanted to say that what happened still amazes me and doesn't even feel real in a lot of ways, and it wasn't luck that I walked away from that accident. I was blessed and protected.

On a lighter note here are some of my favorite quotes I've heard so far:

"Grandpa is going to be sooo mad at you." - Hailey

"When do you get to take the big band-aid off your neck?" -Jess

"I don't get what happened. I know you got hit by a car, but how?" - also Jess

"Can I go see the car?"- Kylynd

This last one was after Jamie and Ben went to see the car today and brought back the candy that was in the glove box that grandma kept for the kids:

"Cool! We get car crash candy!" -Scott

Once again, thanks everybody for everything. I'm glad to be around and very thankful for my blessings. Only downside: I have to start all over at the Chiropractor. ^_^ Love you all tons.

1 comment:

Jana said...

So I guess this is how you're telling Dad & Mom??:) Those quotes are sooo funny! Glad you wrote them down for posterity! We're so glad that you were so protected! (not lucky:)!)