Friday, October 17, 2008

Thanksgiving & Christmas!

So, eveyone's on for Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's right?? We are so excited to see everyone there-it always seems like too long between visits! We're wanting to be able to bring all of our Christmas stuff during that week since we won't be coming for Christmas this year, and I think I heard that we were going to switch things up this year??? Does anyone know what we're doing? I'd like to hear eveyones plans for Thanksgiving as well--when you're going to be at Dad and Mom's, how long you're staying, if we need to bring pies, and whatever else we can do to help Mom out so she doesn't go crazy right before they leave!:) Can't wait to see everyone! Love you all! (That includes Jared and Candy, although I don't think they've ever gotten on the blog--do they not know about it??)


Grandma said...

Pie Night is still on! Except we might want to change it to Dessert Night for those who don't like pie as much. So anything goes Wednesday night. As far as the crazy part goes, don't worry. . . I'm already there!

Melinda said...

We are planning on coming down on wed. and staying until Sun. (Is that ok Mom?) I would love to go to the Temple, but I worry about Landen. He has attachment issues, but I am sure we could figure something out. Also we could do something with the kids like take them to a movie or bowling or sledding (if there is snow) or something like that. Can't wait for desert night! (since I'm eating for two can I have desert and pie?)

Grandma said...

Glad you're coming, Melinda, and yes you can stay as long as you want anytime you want. Talk it up and see what we can do special with all the kids to make it a fun holiday!