Sunday, September 21, 2008

"My Captain" won "Judges choice" and $15 in Iron County fair for her
crocheted Amish Quilt.
Only one "Judges chjoice in each category so it was quite exciting for us and especially her. Chad it is "cute".


Jana said...

WOW! Congrats Mom! How long did it take you to make that quilt? Very impressive! Why is it called an Amish quilt?

Grandma said...

This afghan was my 2006-07 winter project and took me all winter and then some to finish. I was quite happy to get it completed. Candy gave me the crochet book that had the pattern in it. The pattern is taken from an Amish quilt design, but this is crocheted. The Amish like bright colors so the pattern suited me fine. I entered it just on a whim so couldn't believe it did so well. I wanted to enter my Maple Leaf quilt to see how it would do and thought I'd throw in the afghan since I was going up there. My quilt got a blue ribbon so I was doubly happy.