Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some interesting things we are learning about our mission. 1) We will drive on the wrong side of the road - on the wrong side of the car - shifting with the left hand! 2) We will be living in a house with the ability to have internet, hot water, washer and dryer, and monkeys probably running around the back yard. 3) We most likely will be assigned a branch and will stay at that assignment the full 18 months. 4) All couples have ample opportunity to visit game reserves with all the Safari animals that you see on national geographic 5) Other couples have had children and siblings visit them in the mission with the sanction and blessing of the mission president. 6) We are more excited than ever!

1 comment:

Jana said...

So how much do you think Tony and I would need to save in order to come and visit you? Do you think we could make it on a few hundred dollars?:)